My favorite form of classroom management is to have my lessons be so engaging that the students are too enthralled to misbehave! Of course, it’s helpful to have a more palpable behavior management system in place, just in case.
Since developing responsibility is such an essential skill, every week, students are given a different job. As seen in the picture, there are basic jobs such as Paper Passer, and Line Leader, but I've also incorporated a few unique jobs, such as Story Teller, Exercise Leader, Comedian, and VIP. |
I'm also a fan of formative assessments, and find that those popsicle sticks you can use become handy in multiple ways. They are great for times I need extra wonderful behavior! I make a big deal about secretly choosing a stick, and memorizing the name. Then I tell the students that I will be secretly keeping my eyes on this person and if they demonstrate good behavior during the assembly, line, field trip, special guest speaker, etc., then the whole class will get __ minutes of extra choice time at the end of the day.
These are a few of my favorite and well-used behavior systems. Having taught in multiple countries around the world however, I know that none of these systems are fool proof. I am always looking for new systems and styles that I feel best reflect and work for my current class. I love to learn from other teachers, and I endeavor to adapt my classroom management to match the culture and area.